Acupuncture uses extremely sterile thin and almost 100% pain-free needles to help increase circulation and therefore help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Traditional Eastern Medicine has used acupuncture to treat a variety of health conditions for thousands of years, modern science is only now validating the full range of its health benefits. According to Hugh MacPherson Ph.D., co-editor of the book Acupuncture Research, notes that “strong evidence exists that acupuncture is effective for chronic pain conditions” and is a “useful adjunct” for conventional care.”

Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture uses extremely thin and almost 100% pain-free needles to help increase circulation and therefore help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. After 24 years of practice, I can’t tell you how many times my new patients have said, during their first acupuncture session, “Did you put the needles in? I didn’t even feel a thing!” Some don’t even believe me when I say I already put the needles in. They open their eyes and are amazed. These are hair thin needles, far tinier than the ones used to draw blood, that many people don’t even notice. So while it’s normal to be nervous, if you try it, you’ll be surprised by just how easy acupuncture actually is”
How long is each session?The first session is 60 minutes and follow up session is 30 minutes long and provides a relaxing and healing experience.
How many treatment will I need and what is the after care like?Even though you may have less pain after your first visit, I recommend four more sessions to continue the pain relief treatment. Pain affects not only our physical bodies but our energy levels, and continued acupuncture also helps with stress and emotional balance. I also guide you through my self acupressure plan for acupressure that you can implement at home. By simply pressing on key parts of the body, you can lower your pain and feel better throughout the week.
What are some of the side effects that I may experience during and after acupuncture?You may experience some soreness or tenderness, but this is common to any acupuncture method. These usually go away within 24 to 48 hours. After acupuncture, you may feel little tired or like taking a nap. This is a natural way for your body to accelerate the healing process. Most people feel energized and relaxed at the same time afterwards!