During my college years, I suffered from chronic health issues that left me drained, inflamed and in pain. I experimented with just about everything that modern Western medicine had to offer at the time, as they were trying to help me feel better.
But it wasn’t until I looked to my family’s traditions in Eastern medicine that my frustrating symptoms began to finally subside. I was amazed at the results that I achieved, and inspired to go deeper into the ancient healing practices that had helped me to recover after nothing else had.
I became an acupuncturist and went into private practice. After some time, I began to notice that many of my patients were stuck in unhealthy thought patterns, which were negatively affecting the quality of their lives.
I realized through this observation and research how unhealthy thought patterns can act as subconscious roadblocks to healing, and it was then that I decided to become a certified Hypnotherapist.
I studied the Neo-Ericksonian Model of Hypnotherapy, which is a highly individualized creative process between therapist and patient, based on the patient’s specific needs. My role is to guide and support you to your own optimal state of well-being!
My patients report a wide range of benefits, most commonly including more energy, better mental clarity and a more balanced mood. Some have even found relief from intense long-term phobias after just one session, helping them to lead a more normal life with less stress after years of daily struggle.
Now, after over 20 years in clinical practice, I believe more firmly than ever in the profound power of integrating Eastern and Western therapies for maintaining optimum health, and I remain deeply grateful for the opportunity to help my patients live more enjoyable lives.
When I’m not working with patients in my Santa Monica office, I can often be found on the golf course with my pup Señorita, the most adorable caddie in the world!
You can Follow me on Instagram for my best tips on managing physical and emotional pain with acupuncture & hypnotherapy!
Bachelor of Arts from UCLA
Master's at Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine
Diplomate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Certified in Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique® (NAET)
Certified Hypnotherapist
National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation (NARF)
American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM)
Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM)
American Academy of Manipulative Therapy (AAMT)
International Hypnosis Association (IHA)
American Hypnosis Associations (AHA)